Keeper Pond Bacteria
Pond Keeper products
are no longer available. See
our new recommended clarifiers and water treatments.
**Pond-Keeper brand of pond and wastewater treatments are no longer
being produced**
Keeper all purpose liquid water treatments
for ponds, lakes and water gardens.
unique formulations and only the best ingredients, Pond Keeper brand
water treatments represented some of the finest in water quality maintenance
products available anywhere.
Natural Enviro
created a full line of pond water treatments for small and large pond
and lakes and watergardens, including concentrated bacteria blends,
liquid barley straw extracts, dyes and water conditioners and flocculants.
In 2015
the company ceased operations and hundreds of pond and water garden
owners in America lost access to some of the best products for keeping
ponds clean and healthy.
While brand loyalty is an honorable thing in most cases it should
be underlined that there are other superb bacterial products and clarifiers
available on the market today.
Their concentrated
bacteria was one of the best selling pond bacterias in the USA. This
was a Professional Strength Pond Keeper PRO beneficial bacteria mix.
One Gallon was equivalent to 10 gallons of the regular Pond Keeper
Beneficial Bacteria Liquid used for small water gardens. Used in larger
ponds and lakes to reduce the nutrients that cause algae it also helped
maintain clear and odor free waters.
This concentrated
formula simplified the treatment of larger ponds and lakes in addition
to saving on shipping cost and storage space.
Pond Keeper Professional Grade Concentrate was an economical way to
bring biological balance back to your large pond or lake and restore
health and water clarity. Pond Keeper Pro naturally reduced problematic
organic waste for a healthy, clean and beautiful pond.
The product contained several strains of naturally occurring beneficial
bacteria ideal for breaking down and digesting waste commonly found
in pond environments to naturally keep ponds clean, clear and healthy
all year long, while utilizing pulverized barley straw to eliminate
the need for bulky barley bales, while still providing the water clarifier
benefits of barley straw.
Pond Keeper™
Barley Straw Extract was an all-natural liquid formulation derived
from a fermentation process using only barley straw.
Beneficial Bacteria
Pond-Vive Bacteria For Ponds and Lakes

product contains several strains of naturally occurring beneficial
bacteria ideal for breaking down and digesting waste commonly
found in pond environments to naturally keep ponds clean,
clear and healthy all year long.
Application Rates:
Normal Ponds: Initial Application –1 gallon per surface acre
Maintenance – ˝ gallon per month
Slightly Troubled Ponds: Initial Application – 1 gallon per
surface acre Follow Up – ˝ gallon per week for 4 weeks Maintenance
– ˝ gallon per month
Troubled Ponds: Initial Application – 1 gallon per surface
acre Follow Up – 1 gallon per week for 4 weeks Maintenance
– 1 gallon per month
Straw Extract
product has been replaced with Concntrated
Barley Extract

Barley Straw Extract is an all-natural
liquid formulation derived from a fermentation process using
only barley straw.
It is a true 2-in-1 formula, unlike anything out there, which
helps keep pond water clean and clear all season long.
Application Rate:
Small Ponds - Apply 8 fluid ounces of Barley Straw Extract per
1000 gallons of pond water every month or as needed.
Medium Ponds - Apply 64 fluid ounces of Barley Straw Extract
per 10,000 gallons of pond water every month or as needed.
Large Ponds - Apply 1 Gallon of Barley Straw Extract per 500,000
gallons of pond water every month or as needed.
Water Conditioner
Keeping your aquarium, pond or lake healthy requires some added nutrients
and beneficial elements to allow the healthy balance to be maintained
in the water. A healthy balance in any ecosystem requires a bit of
assistance from time to time and this is when adding a full spectrum
pond conditioner can help reverse the damaging effects that can cause
green waters, fish kills, algae or actual odors in aquariums and ponds
and lakes.
Soilfloc® Sealant is the best polymer based sealant available
for your canal, irrigation ditch or watering hole. Specifically
designed to find leaks, whether in the floor, the wall or through
rock formations and seal them. Soilfloc® custom blends linear
and cross-linked polymers to seal any type of soil, for any
sized project.
The biological removal of muck and sludge from ponds, lakes
and canals is an ecological way to eliminate organic sediments
from ruining shorelines and making swimming impossible. Safe
muck eating bacteria are blended from anaerobic bacterial mixtures
and enzymes that specifically target the thick, black, stinky
muck that is common in ponds and lakes.
Aeration | Bacteria
& Clarifiers | Large
Ponds & Lakes | Pond
Pumps | Information
& Articles
We have tested
many so-called "all-encompassing" pond treatments but have
found many lacking in performance. The Pond Keeper Liquid is one of
the most satisfying and comprehensive pond, lake and aquarium water
conditioners on the market that we have tested in the last 15 years.
People have asked us if they should be adding chlorine to a fish pond,
of they should pour bleach into the waterfall to kill algae, the old
wives tales abound when it comes to maintaining a healthy pond but
the reason we like to use Pond Keeper is that it does what it says
and in a very cost effective way! I'm like many of you who are looking
for a cheap or homemade algae killer for my pond...well I've gone
to New Mexico and back and haven't found the product that compares
to this PK Liquid water conditioner.
Of course we have all encountered such products that claim to be "water
polishers" or "water conditioners" or "water wonders"
but so much of this is marketing. In our testing we have shown that
the PK (Pond Keeper) Liquids and Dry Mixtures are performing to high
degrees. The results of regular usage of the product means you gain
complete water conditioning of your fish ponds, water gardens and
Pond Keeper All-In-One Water Conditioner does what would normally
take several products to accomplish. Many pond owners have heard of
products like AmQuel Plus, BactaPur N-3000 and BactaPUR XLG or Pond
Balance or Gard N' Gro, or the new kid on the block those Pond Care
Packs that seem to be getting a heavy push by internet marketers.
Some of these are excellent products and some are just repacked mixtures
with different names. Our panel of pond owners find it is easier to
add one comprehensive pond cleansing liquid than to mix, activate
and broadcast separate mixtures every week. Simplicty is the key with
the PK liquids and the results are proven.
Adding the recommended
dosages of Pond Keeper Liquid, will combat a series of typical pond
problems in fish tanks, water gardens, pond and large lakes.
This is one of
the most comprehensive water conditioners on the market today and
offers complete water conditioning of fish ponds, water gardens
and aquariums. Pond Keeper All-In-One Water Conditioner does what
would normally take several products to accomplish such as:
• Remove chlorine and destroy chloramines
• Detoxifies heavy metals
• Adds essential electrolytes
• Replaces skin slime coat
• Reduces fish stress
• Removes ammonia and nitrites
• Maintains alkalinity
Pond Keeper All-In-One Water Conditioner is not a medication, chemotherapeutic
agent or economic poison. It should be applied with regular water
changes or when new water is added to maximize the dechlorinator
benefits.This formulation is compatible with most other water conditioners
and antibiotics, along with Pond Keeper beneficial bacteria. It
is not compatible with strong oxidizing agents and should not be
used with unchelated copper medication as it will inactivate the
free copper.
brand of pond and wastewater treatments are no longer being produced**.
Removes chlorine and destroys chloramines
Chlorine and ponds.The experimental use
of chlorine began in the 1890's to combat water-borne diseases such
as cholera and typhoid. It quickly gained widespread acceptance
because of its low cost and high efficiency in killing just about
everything hazardous in water. The problem with chlorine is that
it is a known toxin and the implications of drinking this toxin
over the long-term (i.e. your lifetime) is highly uncertain. Chlorine
disinfection of water works by the formation of Hypochlorous and
Hydrochloric acid. It is an extremely reactive substance and may
also chemically bond with other substances in water, depending on
the conditions to form further toxins. For example, it is known
that chlorine reacts with naturally occurring phenols in water (which
are naturally produced by plant life in water) to form Chlorophenols
which are highly toxic to all aquatic life.
Chloramines and ponds Chloramines Make Tap Water Safer for People
but not for Fish. Most of the tap water, coming from local water
districts and running out of most people's faucets in the U.S.,
contains chloramines. In fact most tap water has contained chloramines
for several years, so chloramines are not really new. Chloramines
are a chemical combination of chlorine and ammonia. Before chloramines
were used, most tap water contained chlorine, which killed most
of the pathogens in the water and made tap water “safe to drink”.
Without question killing pathogens in tap water by adding chlorine
or chloramine improves the safety of the tap water for most of the
people most of the time. But the chlorine apparently reacts with
organic matter in the water to form chlorinated-hydrocarbons, which
are thought to cause cancer, and epidemiological evidence confirmed
higher cancer rates in people in areas with chlorine in their tap
water. Chloramines safer, so chlorine was replaced by chloramines
in tap water. Chlorine is relatively easy to neutralize, but chloramines
are not. So chloramines have posed a greater threat to fish.
Detoxifies heavy metals
Water added to ponds may contain ferrous bicarbonate,
detected by a brown precipitate that forms when neutral or alkaline
water is aerated. Besides being mildly irritating to the fish, ferrous
bicarbonate stains equipment and causes water to become cloudy.
E.D.T.A. (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acidic Acid) can be used to chelate
out any heavy metals such as iron or copper from the water. To make
a stock solution with EDTA, use 1 teaspoon and mix it with 4 ounces
of distilled water. Shake well. Then use 2 drops of this stock solution
per gallon of pond water. EDTA will lower your pH, so care should
be used when adding it to the pond. We suggest taking a pail of
water out of the pond, check the pH and then add 2 drops of EDTA
per gallon of pail water. Mix the water well and then test the pH
once again. The maximum amount per day that the pH may be dropped
is 0.2, any more can pH shock the fish, make the fish stressed and
cause a disease outbreak in the pond.
Adds essential electrolytes
Adding essential electrolytes can help provide all the essential
elements fish need to stay healthy and vibrant. Can also help to
reduce algae blooms when combined with bacteria, aeration and proper
pond design.
4. Replaces
skin slime coat
The product, when added as prescribed, acts as a liquid bandage,
to protect and heal damaged fish tissue. Goldfish and koi secrete
a mucoprotein protective slime coating that covers the scales and
skin. This slime coat acts as a defense against invasion by bacterial,
parasitic and fungal pathogens. Essential electrolytes necessary
for osmoregulation are lost through breaks that may occur in the
skin and slime coat, causing dangerous stress. Open wounds and abrasions
caused by handling, netting, and breeding behavior are readily attacked
by disease organisms, resulting in further stress and disease but
using PK Liquid forms a synthetic slime coating on the skin of fish,
replacing the natural slime coat and easing stress.
5. Reduces fish stress
Our fish are often are babies! We take care of themand nurture
them. Reducing stres is key to maintaining a healthy fish population
in any sized pond wether it is 500 gallomns or 5000 gallons! Swim
my little buddies...and Prosper!
Removes ammonia and nitrites
If pond water ammonia is not dealt with
in your pond, it can prove deadly for your fish. Even slightly elevated
levels of ammonia will distress your fish because it leaves them
open to infection and disease. Unhealthy levels of ammonia are caused
by fish overpopulation and excess detritus, which acn becomprised
of fish waste decaying plants. High ammonia levels must be treated
immediately to safeguard the life of your pond. If your high ammonia
levels remain untreated, nitrites will form in the water.
Nitrites are especially toxic for fish. While the beneficial
bacteria and enzymes residing in the pond water will eventually
turn these nitrites into benign nitrates, it is often not in time
to save the pond's fish. Consequently, nitrites must be dealt with
- but dealing with the ammonia is first and foremost to guard against
a nitrite problem. Nitrates are a form of nitrogen; they are not
harmful to fish and are basically food for your pond's plants. In
other words, they are good things. But, an excess of nitrates cannot
always be safely absorbed by the pond’s plant life. In such cases,
an over-abundance of nitrates can lead to methane gas production,
blanket weed, algae, high acid content in the water, etc.
7. Maintains alkalinity
Alkalinity, often referred to as "carbonate hardness," or German
carbonate hardness, is the measure of carbonate and bicarbonate
concentrations in your aquarium water. Alkalinity is a measure of
the ability of a solution to neutralize acid without changing the
pH. It both controls and maintains water pH. Carbonate hardness
is measured in degrees (dKH), parts per million of calcium carbonate
(ppm CaCo3), or milligrams per liter (mg/L). Alkalinity is not the
same as pH because water does not have to be strongly basic (high
pH) to have high alkalinity. Alkalinity is related to the amount
of dissolved calcium, magnesium, and other compounds in the water
and as such, alkalinity tends to be higher in "harder" water. Alkalinity
is naturally decreased over time through bacterial action which
produces acidic compounds that combine with and reduce the alkalinity
components. In an established pond, the ideal Alkalinity measurement
should be around 100 ppm. Readings from 50 to 200 are acceptable.
Pond Keeper All-In-One Water Conditioner is not a medication,
chemotherapeutic agent or economic poison. If it was we wouldn't
touch it with a ten foot fishing pole! It should only be applied
with regular water changes or when new water is added to maximize
the dechlorinator benefits.
This special formulation is highly compatible with most other water
conditioners and antibiotics, along with most mixtures of beneficial
bacteria. It is not compatible with strong oxidizing agents and
should not be used with unchelated copper medication as it will
inactivate the free copper so copper sulphate is contra-indicated.
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