
Sodium Bentonite

Sodium Bentonite
Sodium Bentonite Sodium Bentonite
Categories: Large Ponds & LakesCommercial & Industrial SuppliesWater TreatmentsPond LinersPond LinerSlide Gates & Water ControlWater Level Control & Gates
Product Code: Bentonite
Availability: See Amazon links below

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Price: $0.00

We recommend this product however we no longer stock this item in our locations. This product is now available on the Amazon USA network. You can get the best pricing and see available options and shipping times by visiting the product page on Amazon
Note: The Pond Report is an Amazon affiliate and may earn a commission on products purchased through Amazon from our website.

Seal leaking ponds, dikes, dams, spillways, etc. Sodium bentonite clay bonded to limestone aggregate creates a small rocklike “nugget” that sinks directly to pond bottom. Specially formulated using finest quality Wyoming Bentonite to produce a low permeable barrier to repair and prevent water leaks in ponds, canals and ditches.

Made in the USA, reliable bentonite clay delivery through water creating an impereable seal to stop leaks in ponds and waterways. See details and application rates by clicking on the Amazon logo to reach the Bentonite choices, brands and formats.

Nature's Duct Tape
The use of sodium bentonite aggregate extends beyond "liner" installations where the blanketing of the material over the sand or gravel or stone can be an effective way to fortify the bottom or side slopes of a basin without the need for compacted clay the versatility of the products has led to the nickname "nature's duct tape". PondSeal adds an insurance of anti-seep around pipes and level control structures and helps plug animal burrows or remnant field tiles. Can also be used as a stand-alone, structurally stable, backfill in a cutoff wall or earthen dam or berm.

Sodium bentonite utilizes a dense aggregate (limestone) core to deliver extremely high-quality sodium bentonite clay to areas that are actively leaking and/or otherwise prone to seepage. This novel composite particle’s inherent low permeability, considerable weight (density), androbustly expansive properties allow each individual "pebble-like" unit to swell into adjacent particles, resulting in a uniform and durable layer. Whether as preventative insurance (during construction) or as a repair strategy (after water loss is observed), sodium bentonite is a versatile tool to dependably “stop the leak.”

We recommend this product however we no longer stock this item in our locations. This product is now available on the Amazon USA network. You can get the best pricing and see available options and shipping times by visiting the product page on Amazon
Note: The Pond Report is an Amazon affiliate and may earn a commission on products purchased through Amazon from our website.



Application Techniques

  • Seals leaks without draining the pond
  • Clay particles swell when wet, creating a solid layer of leak protection
  • Great for sealing around intake pipes, muskrat holes, cuts and tears in liners
  • Eco-friendly - all earthen ingredients, will not alter water chemistry


The Pond Report
Pond Supplies for private pond owners and commercial pond managers.
Pond & lake products and treatments for natural pond care and aquatic management
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