Diffusers, Airstone & Silica Diffusers
All bubbles are not created
equal; use the right diffuser for your aeration project
Of course
the heart of any aerator has got to be the compressor, linear air-pump,
regenerative blower or windmill bellows but let's not forget to look
at the myriad array of diffusers.
The diffuser is what breaks up the airflow into bubbles! Big bubbles,
small bubbles and even micro-bubbles or ultra fine bubbles all can
be used to achieve different results.
Just like
a home stereo system can sound great through a set of high quality
speakers even if the turntable is marginal; so too can a proper diffuser
make an old homemade air pump actually create some decent aeration!
Many aeration supply
firms and pond stores sell cheap diffuses and some of these are just
that: cheap!
Maybe they'll last a year or maybe two, but as with any part of the
aeration system, whether it is changing the worn out pistons on a
Gast compressor or replacing the worn carbon vanes of a Brookwood
compressor, a diffuser may need periodic cleaning with muriatic acid.
A good diffuser assembly can be a weighted disc system like the Vertex
CoActive Air Station with 2 nine inch diffuser discs on a hollow base
that can be filled with rocks to keep it on the bottom or a Koenders
Airstone which is simply placed in to a bucket with some stones and
lowered in to the pond.
There are also many knockoffs of high-quality diffusers by companies
trying to market a poorly performing copy of a brand name technology
in order to garner greater profits. Let's look at some of the different
pond diffusers:
want to build a home made diffuser?
No you don't...you only think you do!
The idea of scrounging through the tool shed for some pits of PVC
pipe or hose and some metal jugs or gathering buckets and attempting
to fasten a sealed skin from some recycled EPDM membrane might sound
like a good idea but it isn't. Sure you can take some SCH 40 pipe
and drill some holes in it and cap of the end and epoxy glue a 3/4"
NPT air supply connector and make some contraption that will release
bubbles but that doesn't mean you will have an efficient diffuser.
The best diffuser is one that uses the available airflow and horsepower
to maximum efficiency but breaking up the air into bubbles...but not
all Bubbles are created equal. I know...it sounds discriminatory but
it's the Truth! In most cases you want to have small bubbles and the
smaller the better. Ultra-fine bubbles or micro-bubbles as they are
sometimes called in the industry are what creates the most efficient
Much of the actual oxygen transfer in to your pond
or lake actually occurs at the atmosphere/water interface where water
is introduced to the atmosphere by being pushed towards the surface
by the rising bloom of bubbles.
As the water breaks the surface tension of the pond or lake the oxygen
transfer occurs and the water, now with higher levels of vital oxygen,
descends back in to the depths where it causes dissolved O2 levels
to be higher and higher depending on temperature and barometric pressure
among other variables.
But that doesn't mean you can just drop an open ended length poly
irrigation pipe running in to the pond from the end of a tire pump
and expect these basketball sized bubbles to create enough lift to
properly aerate...no...it's not that simple because the bubble size
also plays an important role in the Gallons Per Minute lifted towards
the surface and the important oxygen transfer that occurs between
the thin walls of the bubbles themselves as they stream upwards from
the diffuser towards the surface.
Yes it is a multifaceted process and while it may be sounding too
complex there is a simple rule that applies to most pond diffusers..
Smaller bubbles are better bubbles
Let's have a brief lesson in fine bubbles, it will be fun (well...not
exactly) and you will get a short course in why smaller is sometimes
better especially when it comes to diffuser bubbles.
Lesson 1
Let's take a fairly large bubble as far as aeration goes. Our large
galloping bubble that is 0.8" in diameter, just over 3/4 of an
inch, or 20 mm has a full volume of 1.64 cubic inches or 4.19 cubic
centimeters. This same glorious orb has a surface area of 5 inches
or 12.6 square centimeters and that is what we can define as a coarse
Lesson 2
Now a coarse diffuser like an airstone would create large bubbles
like in lesson one but if we could use the same volume of air but
break that large sphere into smaller ones we could greatly increase
the available surface area which in turn enhances and embellishes
the aeration transfer capacity of the same air volume! If we replaced
that one large 3/4" wide bubble with tiny bubbles or micro-bubbles
that were 1/16 of an inch or 3 mm in diameter we could fit 296 of
these fine bubbles into the larger one of lesson 1!
The combined surface area of those 296 bubbles works out to over 33
square inches or 84 square centimeters! This is close to 7 times the
total surface area...and the surface is where the oxygen transfer
Lesson 3
Now since the surface area is close to 7 times greater we can theoretically
aerate 7 times as much water with the same compressor or blower or
air pump depending on whether we have a fine bubble diffuser or a
coarse bubbler. Same air pump, totally different efficiency!!
Assembly Available on Amazon
an Amazon affiliate we may recieve payment for purchases made
through Amazon.
Normal airflow range is 0–5 cfm. Equipped with 3/4" MNPT. Single disc or multiple discs can be used with linear air pumps, piston
pumps, rotary vane pumps or regenerative blowers. Ideal for everything
from small ponds to large lakes.
Practically invisible due to their dark color, these 9 inch
membrane discs are engineered for extended performance. The actual
disc diffuser bodies are made of high-strength polypropylene with
3/4" MNPT connections to attach to airlines, manifolds or headers.
Each diffuser has an average of 6,600 engineered air release orifices,
20% more than some comparable models.
The special design of the mat, flexible and supple EPDM membrane,
with its proprietary thickness taper, results in full utilization
of the membrane surface, even at low airflow operations.
This results in improved oxygen transfer efficiency, along with maximum
operational flexibility. The disc diffuser has an integral "triple"
check valve to prevent fluid backflow. Resistance is about 10" H2O
when clean. Made in USA. Note: Diffusers are also known as airstones,
these are membrane diffusers with an EPDM fine bubble perforated system.
These are highest-quality ceramic-type air diffusers machined from
a solid block of glass-bonded silica. Because dust and dirt particles
up to 30 microns in size will pass right through these diffusers,
there's no need for expensive air filters.
And with an air resistance of less than .25 PSI, these glass-bonded
diffusers are compatible with economical low-pressure blowers. They
produce a uniform medium/fine bubble and are very resistant to clogging.
And when cleaning does become necessary because of a buildup of calcium
precipitate or bacteria, an acid bath restores them to like-new performance.
Made in USA.
With their round grain pore structure, low resistance to airflow,
uniform porosity and resistance to clogging, these airstone diffusers
are clearly the best diffusers available for general aquaculture aeration.
Smaller pores don't necessarily produce smaller bubbles. These diffusers
are engineered to produce the smallest bubble possible within the
constraints of a reasonable service life. In most soft water applications,
they won't need to be cleaned for more than a year. Note that water
pH in excess of 9.0 will shorten the diffuser life. Self-weighting
when used with typical tubing lengths.
Airlift Synergistic Diffusers
No need to add sand or rocks in to a hollow base like so
many diffusers! These diffusers assemblies need no extra weights!
Normal airflow range is 1.5 - 2.4 CFM. Equipped with 5/8" barbed connector. These weighted diffusers lay flat upon the lake or pond bottom so disturbed
sediments is minimized and airstones do not become fouled or covered
in muck due to the underlay which keeps the airstones out of the sediment.
This synergistic diffuser assembly has some of the smallest and finest
bubbles available in any diffuser means that you get the most lifting
of water column towards the surface and less pressure loss during
operation. These diffuser assemblies require less PSI and so are perfect
for linear air pumps in most ponds
They are also the best choice for deep ponds and lakes and for storm
water retention ponds and commercial and industrial aeration.
Can also be used with rotary vane compressors, rotary screw pumps
and high pressure blowers or piston compressors for a simple and easy
aeration system. The flat base has holes for attaching mooring ropes
if you wish to add a float to the diffuser for future retrieval or
removal or replacing of the diffuser. You can also tie a float a few
inches below the surface so you don't have to see the float. The dark
color of the sediment-preventing base ensure the diffuser assembly
remains invisible.
Some of the smallest and finest bubbles available in any diffuser means
that you get the most lifting of water column towards the surface
and less pressure loss during operation. These diffuser assemblies
require less PSI and so are perfect for linear air pumps in most ponds!
Can also be used with rotary vane compressors or piston compressors
for a simple and easy aeration system. Contact us if you have questions
or unsure how many to add to your pond.
other diffusers for small ponds or wastewater. .
Books and Guides we recommend can be found on Amazon
As an
Amazon affiliate we may recieve payment for purchases made
through Amazon.

Earth Ponds: The Country Pond Maker's Guide to Building,
Maintenance and Restoration
is nothing like a pond! What else can simultaneously increase
your aesthetic pleasure, offer recreational opportunities,
help the environment, and increase the value of your land?
This is the recognized standard on ponds, now expanded to
include a comprehensive guide to living happily with your
completed pond and keeping it perpetually healthy.
Here is everything you need to know about planning, digging,
sculpting, and maintaining your pond.
It’s the condensed wisdom of a man who has spent a lifetime
building, restoring, and maintaining ponds.
Pond Specialist

The Pond Specialist: The Essential Guide to Designing,
Building, Improving and Maintaining Ponds and Water Features
(Specialist Series)
This book is nothing less than essential for those of us embarking
on designing and building our own ponds.
If like me you have zero knowledge of the field and are clueless
as to the difference between types of pond, butyl liners versus
rigid liners, pond plants, fish and how water features actually
work, then this book will be your bible.
building a waterfall, romantic fountain, or beautiful pond
in your own backyard.
Pond Book

The Pond Book: A Complete Guide to Site Planning, Design
and Management of Small Lakes and Ponds
Ponds, when properly managed, enhance a property. Ponds provide
an environment for fish, recreational entertainment through
swimming or boating, a satisfying wildlife habitat, and higher
real estate value to any rural property.
Written for the serious layperson, The Pond Book explores
the wide variety of pond ecosystems available, and their function;
topographic and soil requirements, design and construction
techniques, wildlife management, fish species and their cultivation,
local bylaws affecting pond maintenance, algae and plant control,
parasite problems, chemical and physical parameters of water
sources, and water control / erosion devices.
Lakes and Reservoirs

Managing Lakes and Reservoirs
Understandable and useful, Managing Lakes and Reservoirs addresses
the enormous amount of information on lake management that
has developed in the decade since the publication of the manual’s
first two editions (Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance
Manual, 1988 and 1990).
The first two manuals dealt primarily with restoration of
lakes, but this third edition moves beyond restoration issues
to focus on ongoing management of lakes and processes that
communities of citizens, policymakers, scientists, and enforcement
agencies can use to achieve desired outcomes for their local
Distributed for the North American Lake Management Society
When comparing aeration systems it is a good idea to look for forums
and reviews that discuss the pros and cons of various systems. Since
the principals of aeration are scientific and many companies offer
products that do basically the same thing to various degrees of efficiency
then it is up to us as consumers to use our due-diligence before buying
a pond aerator. To compare prices with our recommended systems we
have grouped some of the more popular bottom-diffuser aerator brands
together for comparison with our best aerator systems.
Disc Diffusers
® Disc Diffusers and Membrane Diffusers Standard 9" Disc - AF270
Design Flow: 1.5-3.0 SCFM (2.5-5.0 Nm3/hr) Flow Range: 0-7 SCFM
(0-12 Nm3/hr) Slit Quantity: 6,600 Standard 12” Disc - AFD350
Design Flow: 2.5-5.0 SCFM (4.2-8.3 Nm3/hr) Flow Range: 0-12
SCFM (0-20 Nm3/hr) Slit Quantity: 10,155 Patent-Pending PTFE
Diffusers SSI manufactures disc diffusers with compression molded
membranes. Standard materials are EPDM and fluoroelastomer layered
Compression molding ensures that we produce a part with even
specific gravity and uniform tear resistance. Other molding
techniques such as injection molding produce similar looking
parts, but the tear resistance of a compression molded part
is multidirectional, whereas the tear resistance of an injection
molded part tends to be unidirectional just like wood which
has a grain. There is an art to using just the right amount
of plasticizer in an EPDM membrane. Use too much, or the wrong
type, and emulsifying fats can leech plasticizer and cause shrinkage
and increase hardness. Use too little, and the rubber loses
its memory, bubble size increases, and the membrane is at risk
for flexure failure.
at: www.pumpstoreusa.com
Vertex CoActive AirStation
Vertex AirStation CoActive Lift - $145.00 email or phone toll
free 1 877-607-5296 Vertex MicronBubble™ technology provides
the lake restoration industry's first superfine bubble generation.
The majority of bubbles produced by Vertex MicronBubble™ technology
are only 500 to 1000 microns in diameter. As bubble size decreases,
lifting rates and oxygen transfer rates increase dramatically
providing the highest efficiency aerator available today! CoActive
dual 9" diameter membrane diffuser discs synergistically create
an ultra-wide bubble column for greater upward water column
movement without additional airflow requirements. Still only
1.0 CFM required per CoActive AirStation™! Self-cleaning flexible
membrane openings prevent diffuser clogging in the dirtiest
of lakes. Muddy bottom, dirty, brackish, salt or hard water?
No problem! Perfect for retrofitting worn-out, clogged or broken
airstone type diffusers. No more airstone acid cleaning or frequent
replacement ever needed again! Five-year warranty - all AirStations
carry a five-year No Questions free replacement guarantee. Redesigned
self-weighted base for easier and faster surface installations.
at: www.cleanponds.com
Koenders Airstone, Windmill Air Stones
Aluminum Oxide Airstones Unlike the standard silica airstones
these airstones can be cleaned time and time again without wearing
down. These airstones are actually constructed of the same material
used for grinding stones. While increasing durability there
has been nothing sacrificed in the quality of aeration delivered
to you pond, tank or lagoon. We have also design an airstone
specifically designed to work well in an earth pond. These 7"
diameter dome airstones have a plate on the bottom to prevent
the airstone from digging into the pond and burying themselves
in the pond.
Use to diffuse the air at the bottom of the water source. Aeration
is most effective when air bubbles are very small. Small bubbles
increase diffusion of oxygen from the air into the water. Can
increase oxygen absorption (your aeration process) efficiency
by 800%. Will outlast rubber diffusers. Our Experience: Poor
performance, cheap price, you get what you pay for!
Available at: www.fishfarmsupply.com www.koenderswindmills.com
Air AquaMaster Aeration Diffuser Dual Disc Assembly
Entire water column circulation — up to 4000 gallons per minute
depending on diffuser depth • Elimination of thermal stratification
• Increased dissolved oxygen levels that stimulate the natural
aerobic digestion process thus reducing nutrient levels and
associated algal growth • Elimination of oxygen related fish
kills and expansion of the oxygenated habitat and ecosystem
• Reduction of mosquito and aquatic midge infestations • Elimination
of foul odors from undesirable dissolved gases • Reduction of
organic bottom sediment • Preservation of a healthy aquatic
ecosystem and an aesthetically pleasing aquascape to view and
enjoy through improved water quality.
AquaAirTM provides ponds and lakes with superior aeration, circulation,
and de-stratification. The diffusers employ a super fine micro-bubble
technology resulting in the highest diffuser oxygen transfer
rates (OTR) available today. The micro-bubbles entrain bottom
water and synergistically lift it to the surface where atmospheric
oxygen is absorbed and then transferred throughout the water
Available at: aeratorsaquatics 4lakesnponds.com |
Email us for information or with your questions.
Report Store
pond report also has information on:
& Bacteria | Deicers
& Bubblers | Weed
Removal | Liquid
Bacteria | Pond
Pumps & Fountains | Aeration
| Winter
Pond Care | Algae
Control | Pond
Liner | Muck Pellets |
a Solar Aerator | Rotary
Vane Compressors | Floating
| Building
a Pond | Linear
Air Compressors & Pumps | Weighted
Airline | Diffusers
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