reproduces extremely rapidly and can infest an entire lake within
two years.
watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) is actually a very attractive
plant with a somewhat feathery underwater foliage. Believe it or not,
this often loathed species was once commonly sold as an aquarium plant.
Indeed it is a beautiful formed plant with very delicate profile but
this naturally appeal is lost when pond and lake owners are confronted
with a huge area of infestation or choking tentacles of this plant.
Eurasian watermilfoil, or sometimes called just milfoil, originates
from Europe and Asia, but was introduced to North America many years
ago and is now found over much of the Canada and the United States.
This plant was introduced to North America as long ago as the 1940s,
but it may have actually arrived as early as the late 1800s.
While the chemical control of Eurasian Milfoil is always possible
with the use of strong chemicals; more and more people want to get
rid of Eurasian Milfoil naturally without using any harmful chemicals.
The pond owner of today, confronted with weeds or unwanted algae growth,
tens to want to clear the pond and remove these weeds naturally without
using harsh chemicals that can kill fish and destroy the shoreline
wildlife habitat.
can be very good for tool in assisting with the controlling of milfoil,
but it needs to be effective and well-placed aeration. I've seen many
friends and clients who want to build a cheap DIY aeration system
who buy a 1/4 HP Gast compressor and run some poly pipe into their
pond with a cheap airstone sitting in a bucket of rocks and they are
convinced that this is the type of aerator that the gang of buddies
at would recommend to set up a cheap aerator!
Sure there are ways to add aeration to a pond or even a lake, we've
aerated some large 25 acre lakes with no costs
a lot of money to fix the problems of blue-green algae and do what
they call bio-dredging with the combination of natural liquid bacteria
and aeration systems. Of course many companies are flaunting their
dry bacteria but the dry bacteria mixes on the market today are so
variable that you must be careful which pond bacteria you buy! It
is best to check the reviews of the product you buy and often the
reviews are provided by the manufacturers or the distributors....if
you have any questions on the quality of the bacteria you want to
put in to your pond feel free to contact us to help decide if it is
worth the money they want to take from you.
We have a blacklist
of dealers and stores who are attempting to sell poor quality enzymes
and cultures and a list of those reputable suppliers of natural pond
bacteria who sell retail and wholesale. Pond dyes and pond dyes with
enzymes sound like they can create conditions that reduce or eliminate
the Eurasian Milfoil and other aquatic weeds and algae but be careful
when choosing this inexpensive solution as it often requires repeat
But regardless of the claims of natural
bacteria for controlling weeds we must understand that using liquid
or dry bacteria cultures for eliminating or controlling Eurasian Milfoil
you should be prepared for a long term treatment and not a miracle
cure. Poison chemicals will work quickly but they will also kill frogs,
fish and endanger pets. Undertaking a long-term and natural approach
to dealing with the unwanted growth in your pond requires more patience
but also is the winning strategy in the long run.
How does the installation of an aerator, in a large lake for example,
address the problem of aquatic weeds?
As we have seen aeration can be very good at controlling Eurasian
Milfoil, however it needs to be effective and efficient aeration.
When we talk about effective or efficient aeration we mean that such
aeration can assist in nutrients like phosphorous adhering to other
elements and precipitating out of the system–thus leaving nutrients
like phosphorous unavailable as a nutrient source for the Eurasian
Milfoil, often a food source for lakes and ponds with Blue Green Algae.
Along with the
side reduced amount of available P or phosphorous for unwanted plant
growth – the addition of aeration and circulation promotes many other
effects. One thing it will do is to keep the nutrients and organic
molecules in suspension. By keeping these organic molecules; that
is leaves and bottom muck and smelly pond bottom muck in suspension;
beneficial microbes, whether added or by supplemental growth due to
the addition of oxygen or from the addition of an aerator will have
a positive effect.
Microbes are better at competing for soluble nutrients than are typical
pond plants which means you have competition for food and nutrients
adding a second component to the "control" equation. The circulation
caused by the aeration system, whether it is a turnkey system or a
homemade aeration system, will have an effect on the Eurasian Milfoil,
however we have yet to see that there is proof beyond a reasonable
doubt that Eurasian Milfoil can be controlled by the use of a simple
aeration system. From what we have seen, simply moving the water,
or creating the circulation effect by adding a bottom mounted diffuser,
does not alter the ecosystem of a pond enough to make generally slow
the intrusion of the Eurasian Milfoil species.
With the addition of a shore mounted air-compressor and an efficient
diffuser system you will find that this creation of movement is the
most crucial factor in controlling Eurasian Milfoil. There is no real
conclusive evidence to conclude that the addition of moving water
will eliminate the growth of Eurasian Milfoil but the alteration of
the ecosystem by the addition of the water movement of an aerator
that will eliminate any stagnant waters and once that happens more
natural organisms are able to thrive and while Eurasian Milfoil doesn't
have any natural predators there can be natural insects like mites
that will feed on them! Let us look at how the circulation component,
which also adds a considerable amount of oxygen, can create a positive
alteration of the aquatic ecosystem.
While it can promote a continuation of the natural pond and lake turnover
cycles and helps to control, but not eliminate, Eurasian Milfoil though
does not have structures designed to over-winter: There is a shortage
of pertinent information regarding controlling string algae, matt
algae and other nuisance plant growth and we have seen more and more
people looking for alternative treatments for Eurasian Milfoil as
opposed to using harsh poisons and chemicals and algaecides. We are
seeing more and more people using the benefits of aeration and water
circulation to help slow and somewhat control the infestation and
spread of Eurasian Milfoil.
A long term approach is the best approach; dealing with issues of
shoreline erosion are a good start as is the entire management of
the watershed. Practices that avoid the influx of Phosphorous will
help as will helping reduce bottom muck and buildup on the pond bottom;
thus, using beneficial bacteria and aeration, while it may not be
the miracle cure that most of us are after, it is still one of the
best long-term approaches to dealing with this pesky plant! A good
supportive strategy of lake management has, in many cases, been able
to transform a milfoil infested lake into a thriving and very beautiful
aquatic habitat.
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Milfoil Websites
Here are some websites we recommend if you are looking for more
Washington State Department of Ecology
Once milfoil becomes well-established within a water body, it is
difficult or impossible to remove. In smaller water bodies (350
acres or less), we have had some limited success using an aquatic
herbicide called Sonar® to remove milfoil. Recently the state legislature
gave limited approval for the use of 2,4-D to control pioneering
milfoil infestations. Other control methods include: Harvesting,
rotovation (underwater rototilling), installation of bottom barriers,
diver hand pulling, diver dredging, and in some very limited situations
the use of triploid (sterile) grass carp. We are investigating other
biological controls such as the milfoil weevil. The management of
milfoil costs the state and private individuals up-to-one million
dollars per year.
Other Federal Government Websites
Water Milfoil
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey. National Agricultural Pest
Information System.
Photographs; Distribution; Special Note: Links to other sites
Watermilfoil - Invasive Plants: Changing the Landscape of America
Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious
and Exotic Weeds.
Identification/Description; Photographs; Introduction History; Impacts;
Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
Watermilfoil - Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas (2002)
DOI. National
Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service.
Identification/Description; Photographs; Distribution; Introduction
History; Impacts; Controls
Applications of Sonar for Selective Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil,
Feb 2001, ERDC/EL TR-01-7 (PDF | 895 KB)
United States Army Corps of Engineers. Engineer Research and Development
Controls; Research
watermilfoil - Aquatic Plant Information System (APIS)
United States Army Corps of Engineers. Engineer Research and
Development Center. Environmental Laboratory.
Identification/Description; Introduction History; Impacts; Habitat;
Distribution; Dispersion; Controls
spicatum L. (Eurasian Watermilfoil) - Noxious and Nuisance Plant
Management Information System (PMIS)
United States Army Corps of Engineers. Engineer Research and
Development Center. Environmental Laboratory.
Identification/Description; Photographs; Introduction History; Impacts;
the Invasion of Eurasian Watermilfoil into Northern Lakes, Technical
Report A-99-2, Feb 1999 (PDF | 458 KB)
United States Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station.
Controls; Research
Watermilfoil (Mar 1999)
Agricultural Research Service.
Controls; Research
spicatum Article Citation Search - AGRICOLA Database
National Agricultural Library.
Research; Special Note: NAL
Catalog Search (resources)
spicatum - Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)
ARS. National
Genetic Resources Program.
Taxonomy; Legal Aspects
Watermilfoil - Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the Eastern
United States
Forest Service.
Taxonomy; Identification/Description; Photographs; Distribution; Introduction
History; Impacts; Life Cycle; Habitat; Controls
Plant Profile for Myriophyllum spicatum - PLANTS Database
NRCS. National Plant Data Center.
Taxonomy; Illustrations; Distribution; Legal Aspects
spicatum L.
DOI. Florida
Integrated Science Center.
Taxonomy; Identification/Description; Habitat; Distribution; Impacts
Email us for information or with your questions.
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