My pond is about 6,000 gallons (10' x 30' x avg. 3' deep = 900 x 7.5 g/sf = 6,750 gallons). I have bad algae see attached photo. I put in about 40% of the 2.5 pound Green Clean Saturday - just tossed it in in a few batches, draining the pond is not an option. I saw no effect so Monday, I threw in the rest of the bottle in a couple batches. I saw white on the surface but now it looks like it did before I started.
I ordered some more Green Clean but don't want to overwhelm my turtle and the goldfish that have been there for 12 years (if they are still there - haven't been able to see due to algae yuk). I was going to follow up with Pond Keeper barley straw extract bu have read that I need to get the algae cleared up first? Do you think I need to keep adding Green Clean? Can the animals tolerate a lot of it? Do you have any advice for me?

I can drain out a lot of the water with a syphon, maybe half of the 3-4 feet, skim out as much algae as possible, then treat the smaller amount of water with Barley straw extract so it;s more concentrated? Then add more water once it clears up or is adding the more water going to help make it clear up? Are you saying I shouldn't waste the Green Clean? Should I add the barley straw extract now? And I need Pondkeeper bacteria in addition to the barley straw extract?
I've never done anything to the pond in 15 years since my dad died (he used copper sulfate but I have fish, frogs, and a turtle now). I will add netting or a tarp or something. Is there a specific pone netting product?
I will also do the winterizing. Is there something I should do in the spring to prevent the algae? Green clean once it gets up to like 50 degrees (it's in Massachusetts). Please send me info on the pump/filter system. I would prefer solar as I don't have a close electrical source, but if we have to go electric, we will.
We used to have lilly pads but they took over so my dad cleaned them out. I liked the idea of the hyacinths as they supposedly don't spread and they move around which is cool! Just bought a pool skimmer, headed out to skim algae!
Thanks so much again!