I was trying to get a pond to stop leaking and have been speaking to a business in Australia (https://www.polymerinnovations.com.au) but the shipping was going to double the price, making it very prohibitive.
Enclosed is a diagram of my pond with measurements and a picture to give you a sense of scale. In the picture it is almost full (6-8’ deep). I’ve had it reworked twice and it continues to leak. The dam (on the left side of the picture) is not that far about the surrounding ground level and I’m not able to find a leak downhill. One of the reasons we thought it was leaking was a rock ledge on the left side of the diagram. Each time it was reworked clay was returned to cover up the rock but this time, since it continues a slow leak past where the rock ledge is, it’s probably a clue that the leak is deeper.
How much of your product would be required to treat a pond this size?
Is it a product that requires two components?
Do you know if your product is different than that offered by Polymer Innovations? Initially I thought their product wasn’t offered within the United States, then I found you on the internet.
I’d like to move on this during the spring rains which will end soon.

Can you tell me how your product differs from the sealers you mentioned (DB-200 and ESS13)? How is your soilfloc product spread over an existing pond with water in it? I’m confused about it being a two part product. Are both parts granular? Are any special tools needed?
I’ve not seen bentonite used successfully in our area, specifically on existing ponds with water in them and wanted to try something new.