I need more info on Pond muck and sludge pellets especially to know if it will solve my problem in my koi pond!
I have a 1,000 gallon natural Koi pond. The bottom and the rocks are covered with this brown crud, muck, sludge, I don't know the actual name of it. My water is clear, but the bottom is so ugly it takes away from the look of the pond. I wanted a natural pond, but now not so sure. Will you pellets help get rid of this stuff?
I put in a small aquascape bacteria pellet each week to no avail. I have also tried the once a month bacterial puck I got from ebay. I add algecide once a week 1/4 cup. That's it!
I had to cut back most of my plants this summer because I was attacked by a mink, and I had to find where he was getting in through the netting. I know plants help with the muck, but not that much. I have always been plagued by the muck.
The mink took out 11 of my koi, even though I had the pond netted. The netting had 2 inch holes, which is how he got in. I also had the netting pinned with garden stakes every 10 inches or so. I just put a new net over the old net with holes the size of a penny. So, the mink has not been able to penetrate. Whew!
These are pictures of the muck I took when I went down to feed the few fish I have left. :(

I'm afraid you really can't see the muck in the pictures because of the netting. It is just a substance, not unlike dust. When I try to hose it and send it to the filter, it rises, swirls around and then settles back again.

Some does go to the filter outflow, so I am able to get some of it. It is a brownish greenish color and appears to be growing on everything, but it doesn't stick. Just settles and looks gross. Mushy like stuff.
Any answers?
N. N.
Newport, R.I.