Soilfoc will not be adversly affected by muddy waters or by the normal range of dissolved solids found in many lakes and ponds. The polymers in Soilfoc will flocculate and be drawn into leaks or pourous bottoms where it will create a seal in cracks and crevices in the soil.
Apply when the pond is as full as possible as best results are achieved in depths over 4' where the hydrostatic pressure can draw the flocculating polymers into the soil at the site of the leak.
Muddy ponds, especially small ones, can be cleared up using specialized flocculants which you can find in our online product recommendations. Adding topsoil and aquatic marginals at the perimiter of the pond can also help clear water as the electrical componant of black soil will draw some suspended particles rto it much like a magnet.
You can tackle the clarity issue first before treating with Soilfoc but it wouldn't be required to achieve success.
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