Available Formats:
8 lb jar
20 lb pail
50 lb pail
Application Rates:
Small Ponds
Pond Size
Curative Application Rate
50 gal
1 Tbs
100 gal
1.5 Tbs
500 gal
0.5 Cup
1,000 gal
1 Cup
5,000 gal
5 Cups
10,000 gal
10 Cups
*8 lb containers will curatively control algae in 4,000 gallon pond for an entire season.
GreenClean is a granular peroxide based product. The mode of action is oxidation, which provides immediate control of algae, and it releases oxygen as it works. GreenClean is one of the only non-copper based algaecides currently on the market. GreenClean can be applied by broadcasting, as a dissolved liquid, or as a subsurface application. Application rates range from 3-170 pounds per acre-foot depending on the amount of algae growth.
GreenClean Granular Algaecide does not harm fish and aquatic life, including Koi and other sensitive fish and starts working instantly!
Algae Control without using Copper!
GreenClean Granular Algaecide also quickly eliminates algae on a wide variety of surfaces such as birdbaths, statues, walkways, and roofs. Through its patented formula, GreenClean Granular Algaecide immediately begins fighting algae blooms, releasing vital oxygen into the water body as it biodegrades.
Large Ponds (Heavy Algae Growth)
GreenClean Algaecide begins working to control algae within 60 seconds of application, with visual results in 24-48 hours. As with any algaecide application, we recommend a follow up dose of our Pond Keeper beneficial bacteria to help degrade the resulting dead algae. Pond Keeper should not be added sooner than 48 hours after GreenClean or any other algaecide application.
EPA Reg. No. 70299-4
EPA Est. No. 58996-MO-1