
Barley Straw Pellets

Barley Straw Pellets
Categories: Bacteria & ClarifiersLarge Ponds & LakesWater TreatmentsBeneficial Bacteria: Helping A Pond NaturallyAlgae: Basics of Pond AlgaePond Weed & Algae ControlAlgae ControlBarley StrawBarley StrawWater ClarityBarley Straw Extracts
Product Code: Barley Straw Pellets
Availability: In Stock

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Price: $95.00

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  • 100% natural product made from concentrated barley straw
  • Safe for use with aquatic life and pets
  • Fast acting - steady and extended release
  • Typically apply every six to eight weeks
  • Fast acting - steady and extended release

Application Rates

 For lakes and large ponds apply 120 lbs. per surface acre every 6 weeks.

For smaller natural ponds and koi ponds apply 8 oz. per 300 gallons every 6 weeks.

Apply directly to pond water. Fast Acting and provides a steady and extended release of ingredients aid in keeping water clean and clear.
Suitable for use in a mesh bag in a biological waterfall filter or shallow water.
These barley straw pellets when introduced to water are fast acting and provide an extended release for as long as two months.

How it works.

Barley straw does not kill existing algae, but it inhibits the new growth of algae. The exact mechanism is bad understood, but it seems that straw barley, when they are exposed to
the light of the Sun and in the presence of oxygen, produce a chemical which inhibits the growth of algae.

Barley straw does not reduce the growth of other aquatic organisms plants. In fact, in some cases, the growth of aquatic plants has increased after the applications of barley straw, because algae are longer there to compete with aquatic plants.

The use of barley straw as an algae control method began in England during the early 1990s. In addition to ponds I England, barley straw is used in large reservoirs and canals. Laboratory research conducted in England suggests the presence of rotting barley straw in water inhibits the growth of several planktonic and filamentous algae. However, limited research studies in the U.S. have had mixed results. In general, water clarity will improve in ponds treated with barley straw due to a reduction in planktonic algae growth, but thus far evidence suggests no affect on filamentous algae.

The exact mechanism in which barley straw inhibits algae growth is not known. It is thought that as fungi decompose the straw in water a chemical(s) is released that prevents the growth of algae. Two suggested chemicals are oxidized polyphenolics and hydrogen peroxide, but it is not clear if these chemicals come from the barley straw itself or are metabolic byproducts produced by the fungi. Either way, barley straws inhibits algae growth; it does not kill already existing algae.


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