
Super Concentrated Water Clarifier - 1 Gallon Treats 250,000 Gallons

Super Concentrated Water Clarifier - 1 Gallon Treats 250,000 Gallons
Categories: Bacteria & ClarifiersCommercial & Industrial SuppliesWater TreatmentsAlgae ControlPond Dyes: Aesthetics & Growth ControlBacteriaDyesBacteriaWater Clarity
Product Code: Concentrated Pond & Lake Clarifier
Availability: In Stock

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Price: $110.00

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Helps clear murky, turbid water by attracting suspended particles together, settling them to the bottom

Works great when used with Pond-Vive, the clarifier settles the organic particles to the bottom where they are consumed by the Pond-Vive

One gallon treats 250,000 gallons of pond water, ponds with high levels of suspended solids can be treated at double dosage or a second application

For best results mix recommended amount with pond water and spray evenly over pond surface

This is a super-concentrated pond flocculant and water clarifier for ponds and lakes.Helps clear murky, turbid water by attracting suspended particles together, settling them to the bottom and works great when used with pond bacteria that will help consume organic sedimentaries that the clarifier settles to the bottom where they can be consumed by adding a bacterial additive like Pond-Vive

Use 1 gallon for every 250,000 gallons of pond water

Available Format
1 Gallon Jugs


  • Helps clear murky, turbid water by attracting suspended particles together, settling them to the bottom
  • Works great when used with Pond-Vive, the clarifier settles the problem particles to the bottom where they are consumed by the Pond-Vive
  • One gallon treats 250,000 gallons of pond water, ponds with high levels of suspended solids can be treated at double dosage or a second application
  • For best results mix recommended amount with pond water and spray evenly over pond surface


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