
Clearcast® Cattail Control

Clearcast® Cattail Control
Categories: Algaecides & HerbicidesBeneficial Bacteria: Helping A Pond NaturallyPond Weed & Algae ControlAlgae ControlAlgaecidesAlgaecidesAlgaecides & HerbicidesDuckweed ControlWeeds & Eurasian Milfoil
Product Code: Clearcast® Cattail Control
Availability: In Stock

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Price: $225.00

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Clearcast Herbicide is an effective and selective treatment solution for the control of floating, emergent, and submersed aquatic weed species. Clearcast is the industry standard for cattail control. In addition to cattails, Clearcast is an excellent choice for selective control of invasive weeds such as watershield, water hyacinth and broad-spectrum control of a variety of pondweeds. Clearcast can be applied as a foliar, surface, or injection spray and as well as a pre-emergent in ponds and lakes.

Application rates per surface acre:  32 ounces to 64 ounces per surface acre

Better Control

Its selectivity makes Clearcast ideal for aquatic areas used for fishing and other recreational activities, while minimal irrigation restrictions allow Clearcast to be applied in a large variety of aquatic environments, including ponds and irrigation canals and ditches.

When used as directed, Clearcast:

    Can be applied near and around desirable hardwood vegetation
    Provides true systemic activity killing the entire plant, including the root system
    Allows for re-colonization of desirable species
    Controls target floating, emergent and shoreline weeds, while leaving desirable plant species unaffected

Active Ingredient: Imazamox

    It is absorbed through the leaves, stems, and roots of vegetation.
    Binds with an enzyme found only in plants, and not found in humans, mammals, birds, fish or insects.
    Stops growth of sensitive plants within 24 hours after treatment
    Fully breaks down plants as food and energy reserves are exhausted.

Clearcast may be applied in a variety of ways, including:

    Directly to the water for the control of submerged aquatic plant species*
    As a foliar application specifically for emergent and floating species
    Via ground and aerial equipment, including both fixed-wing and helicopter



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