
Navigate® Selective Herbicide - Kills water milfoil, water stargrass, coontail, spatterdock, water lilies, and watershield

Navigate® Selective Herbicide - Kills water milfoil, water stargrass, coontail, spatterdock, water lilies, and watershield
Categories: Algaecides & HerbicidesWater TreatmentsBeneficial Bacteria: Helping A Pond NaturallyPond Weed & Algae ControlAlgae ControlAlgaecidesAlgaecides
Product Code: Navigate® Selective Herbicide
Availability: In Stock

Free shipping in the USA.
Price: $430.00

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ATTENTION: This product cannot be shipped to the following states: AK, CA, CT, ID, HI, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT & WA

A granular formulation of 2,4-D which is effective on water milfoil, water stargrass, coontail, spatterdock, water lilies, and watershield. It is very effective in control of Eurasian watermilfoil, an aggressive, exotic species found throughout the U.S. This product is not for use in waters used for irrigation, agricultural sprays, watering dairy animals, or domestic water supplies.

Application rates vary from 28 to 56 pounds per acre foot.

Spread evenly throughout treatment area. Weeds need to be present. When applying Navigate aquatic herbicide, we recommend using a Broadcasting Spreader.  Navigate is formulated to control water milfoil, water stargrass, bladderwort, white and yellow water lily, water shield, water chestnut and coontail. Water use is restricted for non-turf irrigation and drinking (human consumption), see label for details. Active ingredient is 27.6% butoxyethyl ester of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid.

Navigate pellets are effective any time susceptible weeds are actively growing. When applied in spring and early summer, less material is required, less dead weeds occur, and a longer weed free period will result.

Successful applications can be made to actively growing weeds in late summer and fall. The full effect of late season applications may not be fully evident until the following season.

Download the Navigate Selective Herbicide Instruction Sheet

* We cannot ship EPA registered Algaecides or Herbicides to the following states:  California, Connecticut, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Washington State

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