
Dyes & Colorants

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Dry Powdered Pond Dye in Water Soluble Packets (WSP)
Free Shipping in the USA Less mess and lighter than liquid pond dyes! The water soluble packets are tossed into the pond, fountain or lake as needed. There is no mess like with the liquid dyes. The packets float on the surface and once the outer soluble coating dissolves in the pond water th..
Starting at: $60.00
Concentrated Liquid Pond Dyes - Treats 1 Million Gallons per Quart
This liquid concentrated dye is used in ponds and lakes. Apply in early Spring for the best benefits. Can be added at any time for an aesthetic fix for visually un-attractive ponds. Will mix quickly when applied around the pond perimiter or near a source of circulation ie;, pond aerator or pump. ..
Starting at: $60.00
Concentrated Liquid Pond  Dyes
Free Shipping in the USA If you’re looking for a highly concentrated liquid pond dye, this is one for you! This liquid Pond Dye that is safe and can be carefully poured into the pond or around the edges and can be mixed quickly and evenly throughout the pond with the use of a fountain, ..
Starting at: $60.00
Aquashade® Concentrated Liquid Lake Dye
Free Shipping in the USA Aquashade® is a concentrated aquatic dye that filters sunlight that will reduce the growth-potential of aquatic weeds and algae. It is one of the few dyes available that are EPA-registered for controlling aquatic plant growth. In addition, Aquashade colors water an a..
Starting at: $100.00
Blue Pond Dye - Dry Packs
Free Shipping in the USA Dry Lake and Pond Dye from Outdoor Water Solutions is a PowderedDry Lake and Pond Dye is a proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic, water soluble dyes formulated to reduce sunlight penetration and impart a natural blue color when applied to ponds and ..
Starting at: $50.00
Cygnet® Select Concentrated Pond Dye
Price cuts available! Check for lower prices on Amazon. *As an Amazon affiliate we may recieve payment for purchases made through Amazon. Free Shipping in the USA Cygnet® Select Concentrated Pond Dye is a non-E.P.A registered product that is..
Starting at: $70.00

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Pond Supplies for private pond owners and commercial pond managers.
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