
SeClear® G - Granular Algaecide & Water Quality Enhancer

SeClear® G - Granular Algaecide & Water Quality Enhancer
Categories: Algaecides & HerbicidesBeneficial Bacteria: Helping A Pond NaturallyPond Weed & Algae ControlAlgae ControlAlgaecidesAlgaecidesAlgaecides & HerbicidesDuckweed ControlWeeds & Eurasian Milfoil
Product Code: SeClear® Algaecide
Availability: In Stock

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Price: $220.00

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SeClear G Algaecide & Water Quality Enhancer® formula solved that problem by:

  • Treating the algae present
  • Reducing the amount of available phosphorous and suspended solids with each application
  • Providing algae control
  • Allowing for longer intervals between applications
  • Reducing the field for follow-up applications
  • Enhancing water quality

SeClear G Algaecide & Water Quality Enhancer® has again advanced the science of algae management. This new granule formulation provides all of the proven algaecidal and water quality enhancement benefits of the liquid SeClear formulation with several improvements.

  • Controls surface and bottom algae (including Chara)
  • Broadcast as a granule or dissolve and spray
  • Typical application rate: 15 to 25 lbs/acre
  • Improved economics
  • Available in 20 and 50 pound bags

Control the Problem — and its Source

Applied at the first sign of an algal bloom, SeClear's copper ions inhibit photosynthesis in algal cells, providing fast-acting control, while simultaneously removing phosphorus from the water column. SeClear gets to the source of unsightly algal blooms, reducing the amount of nutrients available and lowering the chance of a recurring bloom.

Control will occur in 3 to 7 days following application and water bodies should be retreated when regrowth appears. Water treated with SeClear is completely safe on turfgrass and ornamental plants and can be used for irrigation immediately.

Controlling Algae
This product rapidly disrupts numerous algae cell processes and shuts down growth. This product is effective in controlling a broad range of algae including: green, yellow/green and blue-green (cyanobacteria) algae comprising diverse growth forms such as filamentous, colonial, planktonic and macrophytic. Treated algae typically begin to show discoloration within a day and degrade over time.

Improving Water Quality
This product can improve water quality by:

1. Offsetting eutrophication through proactive maintenance programs.
2. Decreasing phosphorus concentrations from the water column through binding and precipitation of excess phosphorus.
3. Binding and precipitating suspended solids, thereby reducing turbidity and unwanted coloration.

Use lower concentrations/rates in softer water (<50 ppm alkalinity) or when treating algae with greater susceptibility to this product; use moderate to higher concentrations/rates in harder water (>50 ppm alkalinity) and when
treating heavier infestations and/or less susceptible algae.

Application Rates

Planktonic (Suspended) Algae
Apply at a rate of 1.8 - 18 pounds per acre foot
Apply higher rates on heavy blooms and where algae masses are clumped and accumulated.

Filamentous Algae (Mat-forming)
Apply at a rate of 3.6 - 18 pounds per acre foot
Apply higher rates on surface mats and species such as Pithophora, Cladophora, Lyngbya, and Hydrodictyon.

Macrophytic (Chara/Nitella/Starry Stonewort)
Apply at a rate of 7.2 -18 pounds per acre foot
Apply higher rates on older, established calcified plants. Apply as close to algae growth as possible.


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