
Complete Small Pond Aeration System

Complete Small Pond Aeration System
Complete Small Pond Aeration System Complete Small Pond Aeration System Complete Small Pond Aeration System
Categories: Aeration SystemsAeration: The Key To SuccessAerationComplete Aeration Systems
Product Code: Complete Small Pond Aeration System
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Price: $500.00

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Complete aeration systems, available in two sizes for aerating small ponds from 3,000 gallons up to 16,000 gallons, These aeration systems come fully-equipped with a linear diaphragm compressor, weighted airline and super-efficient micro-bubble diffusers.

Available in two sizes. Please note compressor color and housing may be slightly different, performance ratings are the same.
Details below:

One Diffuser Aeration System
Model: PR-KPA13

• Linear diaphragm air pump: 50 Watts - 2 CFM airflow - Max Diffuser Depth 8'

One micro bubble diffuser assembly with four  2" air stones on a self-weighted base

• 25' of weighted  airline

• Clamps and connectors

• Instruction booklet

Ideal for ponds with up to 100 pounds of fish. This is based on having the diffuser in 4 feet of water depth. If the diffuser is in shallower water it will support less fish and circulate less water.

Oilless AC linear diaphragm compressor: 2 CFM @ 1PSI and 1.5 CFM at 2 PSI :: Max Op. Depth = 6 feet :: USES ONLY 50 WATTS - The compressors and air diffusers have two-year warranties.

These aeration systems use UL-listed, all-weather linear compressors that deliver air via easy-to-install self-weighted tubing to the diffuser assembly. Systems are complete with the appropriate couplings, valves (on larger system), self-weighted tubing (dark blue for low visibility) and diffuser(s). Just drop the tubing and diffuser in the water and plug into a 115V power source.

Two Diffuser Aeration System
Model: PR-KPA23

• Linear diaphragm air pump: 90 Watts - 3.7 CFM airflow - Max Diffuser Depth 9'

Two-way splitter valve manifold to adjust airflow into two diffusers

Two micro bubble diffuser assemblies each with four  2" air stones on a self-weighted base

50' of weighted  airline

• Clamps and connectors

• Instruction booklet

Ideal for ponds with up to 200 pounds of fish. This is based on having the diffusers in 4 feet of water depth. If the diffuser is in shallower water it will support less fish and circulate less water. Deeper diffusers means larger ponds can be aerated.

Oilless AC linear diaphragm compressor: 3.7 CFM @ 1PSI and 3 CFM at 2 PSI :

: Max Recommended Operating Depth = 10 feet : The manufacturer lists a maximum 10 foot depth but we recommend 9 feet max to not overwork the compressor.

: USES ONLY 90 WATTS - The compressors and air diffusers have two-year warranties.

These aeration systems use UL-listed, all-weather linear compressors that deliver air via easy-to-install self-weighted tubing to the diffuser assembly. Systems are complete with the appropriate couplings, valves (on larger system), self-weighted tubing (dark blue for low visibility) and diffuser(s). Just drop the tubing and diffuser in the water and plug into a 115V power source.


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