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Cutrine Ultra under field conditions, is effective in controlling a broad range of algae including Chara, Spirogyra, Cladophora, Vau..
These are our favorite granular alagecides because they can be used for algae control in any water feature such as ponds, water gardens, ornamental waterfalls, fountains and birdbaths. This is a non-hazardous algae killer that is safe for fish, birds, plants and pets once added to the pondwater.G..
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#1 Choice for Duckweed/Watermeal Control
Sold in Pails of 5 pounds dry powder, mix with water to apply.
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9% chelated copper algaecide for use in lakes, potable water reservoirs, farm ponds, fish and industrial ponds, fish hatcheries and raceway..
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Clearcast Herbicide is an effective and selective treatment solution for the control of floating, emergent, and submersed..
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SeClear G Algaecide & Water Quality Enhancer® formula solved that problem by:
Treating the algae presen..
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These are our favorite granular alagecides because they can be used for algae control in any water feature such as ponds, water ga..
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This 41.7% Fluridone product is excellent for whole pond and lake treatments. A selective systemic aquatic herbicide for management of aqu..
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This is a granular (dry) form of Cutrine® Plus liquid and is used at a rate of approximately 20 to 60 pounds per surface acre for ..
Safe for irrigation, turf and shrubs. This highly concentrated formula, (60% active ingredient) E.P.A. registered algaecide will eliminate most planktonic algae as well as filamentous algae. There is no phytotoxicity after usage so water is safe for irrigation and turf. Helps ensure clear irrigat..
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Algaecide For Ponds – Stops Algae Growth
Control string algae!
No more green water with ALGAWAY 5.4 Algaecide!
It stops algae growth in ponds and can be applied to areas that contain fish an..
The Pond Report
Pond Supplies for private pond owners and commercial pond managers.
Pond & lake products and treatments for natural pond care and aquatic management
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